The Power of Pentecost

Posted by:arun


Last Sunday we saw how the era of the Holy Spirit was birthed in the Church with tongues of fire on the Day of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit is a person. Jesus introduced Him to the disciples as “another comforter” (John 14:16). He has many vital activities: He strives with sinners (Genesis 6:3); He reproves (John 16:8); He teaches (John 14:26); He guides (John 16:13); He glorifies Christ (John 16:14).

The question I want to answer today is: Why do I need the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? What will it do for me? Let us look at three ministries of the Holy Spirit that are especially precious to the believer.

A New Dimension of Prayer

Prayer is one of the most vital aspects of the Christian life. Yet often we feel so helpless: we do not know how or for what to pray. We may not even have a desire to pray. It is at these times the Holy Spirit will come to our aid.

1. Praying in the Spirit will bring us edification or upbuilding. How beautifully Paul expresses it: “the Spirit helps us in our weakness.” More than that “the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express” (Romans 8:26).  This praying that builds us up can be in tongues or with our understanding quickened by the Spirit. Jude says it this way: “But you, beloved, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit” (Jude 20).

2. Praying in the Spirit will keep our prayers in line with the will and purpose of God. This is because “the Spirit makes intercession for us according to the will of God” (Romans 8:27). Praying according to God’s will is one of the great prerequisites for answered prayer. “And this is the confidence we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will He hears us” (1 John 5:14). The Holy Spirit knows God’s purpose for us and His intercession will always be in keeping with this purpose.

A New Dimension of Worship

Jesus Himself made the statement that the Father was seeking “true worshipers.” The worship of the Old Testament was centered around the Temple and a prescribed order of service and sacrifice. It could be done without heart and spirit. The coming of the Holy Spirit brought a new dimension of worship and praise to the Father. With the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we are moved and anointed by the Spirit to offer worship that is warm and meaningful both to God and to ourselves. Here at New Life Assembly of God we have all been moved and blessed by the joyful praise and worship week after week. “God is Spirit: and His worshipers must worship Him in spirit and in truth” (John 4:23-24).

A New Dimension of Dynamic Living

The Holy Spirit not only gives us power in prayer and a sweet anointing for worship and praise, but He also gives us power for witnessing and a worthy walk. In His closing words to His disciples before His ascension, Jesus encouraged them with the promise of the power of the Holy Spirit for witnessing. “But you shall receive power--ability, efficiency and might--when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.” (Acts 1:8) Our witness for Christ is only effective if it is in the power of the Holy Spirit. The ministry of the evangelist Philip in Acts 8 is a beautiful example of the Holy Spirit directing and empowering a believer for soulwinning. The Holy Spirit not only gives us power for our witness but He also gives us power for our walk before the Lord. In order to understand the power of Holy Spirit in our daily lives you need to understand the pull of the flesh—the sinful nature. In Galatians 5:19-21 Paul lists the works of the flesh. There are the big ones: sexual immorality, idolatry and witchcraft. Then there are the ones we so often excuse in our own lives as believers: discord, jealousy, lies, selfish ambition, envy. The only answer to real victory over the flesh is a “walk in the Spirit.” Paul states it clearly: “Walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh” (Galatians 5:16).


“Come, Holy Spirit, I need You; come Sweet Spirit, I pray.

Come in Your strength and Your power; come in Your own gentle way.”