Our History

Posted by:admin

Our History

It all began way back on the second Sunday of July, or more precisely on 10 July, of 1983 when Rev. and Mrs. Stubbs and their two daughters gathered to worship the Lord at their home in Sainikpuri, Secunderabad.The first three services were held at the Stubbs' home.

On 31st July 1983, as the Church family grew, the meetings were moved to the conference hall of Hotel Karan in Secunderabad, and the first meeting here had 14 people in attendance. The Church continued in Hotel Karan for four more years, and these were wonderful years of blessing and growth.

With an increasing need for space and amenities as the Church family grew, the meetings were moved to a large garage of Apex Motors on Rashtrapathi Road on 2nd August 1987. For the next three years, this seemed like the place to be as the Church continued to experience God’s Presence and enjoy His goodness.

Then on 3rd June of 1990, once again the continually expanding family had outgrown the space available at Apex Motors, and moved to its present location at the Millennium Gardens, Secunderabad. And through our years of worshipping at Millennium Gardens, God has remained faithful to His Word, touching and transforming the lives of our members, and meeting all their needs.

The Lord has graciously led us for over 35 years, and the Church has grown from strength to strength in fellowship and in devotion. Now, the Church Family has over 5500 members, and we remain committed to connecting people to Jesus and watching the change and growth in people and the Church.