Ignite the Flame!
Ignite the Flame!
Using the gift of God 2 Timothy 1:6 - For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. Talking of gifts, can you remember a gift you received recently? Have you given a thought to it? You got it freely. You did not pay for it. What did you do with it? Now look at in the light of the verse mentioned above. Paul is reminding Timothy of a gift he received freely through prayer during the laying of hands. Paul is talking here of the ministerial gift which qualifies you for ministry. It is not something that is natural or acquired but given to them. This gift in Timothy was in Him and not taken from him. There are many gifts unused in our homes too. It suggests a decline, or some backwardness and indifference in exercise of it. Maybe he neglected it or forgot about it. Paul likened God’s Spirit to an ember in a dying fire. He encouraged Timothy to stir up that live coal, to fan it into flames. He knew that we must guard against neglecting the gift of God’s Spirit and letting it grow cold. How can we maintain the courage, strength and love God gives us through His Spirit? We find the answers in several scriptures. One of the main keys to keeping the working of God’s Spirit active and stirred up in our lives is keeping our minds on the big picture of what God is doing. If we dwell excessively on ourselves and our own problems we become far more vulnerable to Satan’s negative influences. So many people find themselves wandering around searching for their significance, not understanding that it has been with them the entire time. Whether you realize it or not, discovering those elements in your life will directly affect how you define success, as well as how you handle your finances. For example, how many pursuits or ventures have you been on with the hope of filling a void or need in your life, only to come to the end of that venture (and expense) still feeling empty? In order to open the box that contains your unrealized potential, you first must have a true understanding of what is driving you and why you do what you do. Are you tapping into your talents and gifts God has given you for the purpose of making an impact in this world, or is the concern of having money, fame and material goods dimming the light that God is trying to shine through your life? There three things we need to learn from this verse; Realizing your gift; studying the epistle it suggests that the “gift” Timothy possesses is the gift of preaching and teaching. 1 Timothy 4:13–14 - Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching. Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through prophecy when the body of elders laid their hands on you. Have you been at the feet of the lord and realized the gift He has bestowed on you? Fanning into flame the gift: Paul is not telling Timothy to rekindle something that has died down in his ministry. He is telling him to take the gift God has given him and set it on fire. Once you identify your gift you need to excel in it. Only then can god use you mightily Achievement in the light of His kingdom – The gift you have should not be used for you to grow rich and be happy but to use it for His kingdom and glory. We often put off the flame with our self-interest, misguided priorities and complacency. We “rekindle” the flame by surrendering to God and reaffirming and living out, “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” That enables the Spirit to blaze up within us. We become empowered once again, more loving, more joyful. Of course, this requires some personal effort. Have you discovered your gift?