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‘‘Sinful nature” (Gk sarx) is a term for the human nature with its corrupt desires. The sinful nature remains within Christians after their conversion and their deadly enemy (Ro 8:6-8, 13 Gal5:17,’21). Those who practice the acts of the sinful nature cannot inheritGod’s kingdom (Gal 5:21). Therefore, this sinful nature must be resisted  and put to death continually through the power of the Holy Spirit (Rom 8:4-14; Gal 5:17). The acts of the sinful nature (Gal 5:9-21) include:


  • (1) ‘‘Sexual immorality’’ (Gk perinea), i.e., sexual activity orintercourse outside marriage union. The word pornography comesfrom the root perinea; thus, sexual immorality comprehensively
  • may include taking pleasure in pornographic pictures, films orwriting (Exod 20:14; Mat 5:31-32; 19:9; Acts 15:20,29; 21:25;
  • (2) ‘‘Impurity’’ (Gk akatharsia), i.e., sexual sins, evil deeds and vices,including thoughts and desires of the heart (Eph 5:3; Col 3:5)
  • (3) ‘‘Debauchery’’ (Gk aselgeia), i.e., sensuality: following one’spassions and desires to the point of having no shame or public 
  • (5) ‘’Witchcraft’’ (Gk pharmakeia) i.e., sorcery, spiritism, blackmagic, worship of demons and use of drugs to produce ‘spiritual’  experiences (Ex 7:11,22; 8:18; Rev 9:21;18:23)
  • (6) ‘‘Hatred’’ (Gk echthra), i.e., intense, hostile intentions and acts; extreme dislike or enmity 
  • (7) “Discord’’ (Gk eris) quarreling, antagonism; a struggle for superiority (Rom 1:29; 1 Cor 1:11;3:3 ) 
  • (8) ‘‘Jealousy’’ (Gk zelos), i.e., resentfulness, envy of another’s success (Rom 13:13; 1Cor 3:3)
  • (9) ‘‘Fits of rage’’ (Gk thumos), i.e., explosive anger that flames into 
  • (10) ‘‘Selfish ambition’’ (Gk eritheia), i.e., unrighteous seeking power violent words or deeds (Col3:8); or position (2 Co12:20; Phip1:16-17) 
  • (11) ‘‘Dissensions’’ (Gk dichostasia), i.e., introducing divisive teachings not supported by God’s Word (Rom 16:17)
  • (12) ‘‘Factions’’(Gk hairesis), i.e., division within the congregation into exclusive groups or cliques that destroy the unity of the 
  • (13) ‘‘Envy’’ (Gk phthonos), i.e., resentful dislike of another person who has something that one desires. 
  • (14) ‘‘Drunkenness’’(Gk methe), i.e., impairing one’s mental or physical control by alcoholic drink.
  • (15) ‘‘Orgies’’ (Gk komos), i.e., excessive feasting and revelry; a party spirit involving alcohol, drugs, sex, or the like.  

Paul’s final comment about the acts of the sinful nature is stern and forceful: any so-called Christians who engage in these types of 

activities shut themselves out of the kingdom of God, i.e., they do not possess eternal salvation (Gal 5:21; 1Cor 6:9)