The Flame of Pentecost
We have looked at the effects of the fire of God: it brings conviction of sin; it purifies, it inspires worship. Today I want to look at one of the most exciting effects of the fire of God: it sets us aflame for service.
During his ministry, John the Baptist prophesied that Jesus would baptize His people “with the Holy Spirit and with fire” (Matthew 3:11). Just before He ascended to heaven, Jesus commanded His disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the promised gift from His Father. He said: “John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 1:4-5). And on the Day of Pentecost God’s Shekinah glory returned to His church. This time God’s glory separated into individual flames of visible fire and rested on those who were filled with the Spirit (Acts 2:3).
Only rarely has the holy fire which flames but does not consume been seen visibly during a time of revival. One such time was in the 1905 revival at the Ramabai Mukti Mission in Kedgaon, Maharashtra. Ramabai had been teaching the girls about the Holy Spirit. As they began to pray, girls began to be filled with the Spirit. Early one morning while all the girls were on their knees weeping and praying, suddenly a visible fire flamed around one of the girls. They all saw it and one girl ran across the room for a bucket of water. She was about to throw it on the girl when she realized it was not literal fire. (Helen S. Dyer, Pandita Ramabai, A Great Life in Indian Missions)
The book of Acts records how the church was born when the fire of God fell. In reality, this book is the Book of the Acts of the Holy Spirit. It has rightly been called the action book of the New Testament. There are three key words and sights in this book.
1. Ascension – Jesus going up.
2. Descension – the Holy Spirit coming down.
3. Extension – the church going out.
Let us note how that supernatural church was born. It happened suddenly, it happened as they prayed, it happened as they were together (which perhaps was the greatest miracle), it happened as they obeyed (Jesus’ command “wait…until”) and it happened on time. They were faithful to His command, they were filled as He promised and they were fruitful in the kingdom.
Beloved, how we need such a church for our times. A.W. Tozer said of the church today: “It is like a drowsy giant, too fat to move into action and too sleepy to care.” How we need the fanning of the Pentecostal flame to revitalize the Body and empower us “to go into all the world and preach the Gospel.” It is our responsibility to reach our generation. What will give you the power to fulfill this task? The fire of the Holy Spirit! The Holy Ghost is a missionary Spirit—and the spread of the Gospel will go no further than the spreading flame of Pentecost.
O Lord, send the power and baptize every one!